
Be at peace

Turn off the noise of the world. Listen to the soft truth being whispered by your heart.

Let there be a day when you turn off your cell phone. Allow the blessed silence to fill your body and soul. Wake in the morning when your body wants to; wake and breathe; just breathe. Follow your breath and when you want to move, move. Move and gently stretch every part of your body. Be aware how every part of you feels. Pay attention!

Allow yourself to feel gratitude for your life. Reflect on all the good there is in your life. What people, places, and experiences bring you joy?

Make something warm to drink and sip - slowly - sip. Feel the warmth. If you want to eat - eat. If you want to walk - walk. Do what brings you joy. Let this day be a day of rest and awareness. Look, listen, be still. Be receptive to all that is available in the abundance of nature. Simply be.

Unplug, tune in, nourish your soul.

Be at peace.

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