
Compassion and Caring...

When we focus on love, compassion, empathy, and integrity those values move from us to impact and uplift others beyond our physical sphere of influence.

Compassion and caring for our fellow humans connect us and promotes understanding and unity. We discover the Divine in each of us.

When we see others through eyes of compassion, we see the best in our fellow human beings.

Love and approve of yourself

"Remember you have been criticizing yourself for years and it hasn't worked.

Try approving of yourself and see what happens." – Louise Hay

We are emanations of Divine love. See the light and love that is in your fellow humans. We are here to offer all the good that is within us.

We must be open to the joy, peace, and love that is our birthright. Be aware of your true nature and shower the world with your abundant gifts.

We are each here to shine God's loving light upon the earth.

Love and approve of yourself. Shine your light and be aware and appreciate the light in others.

Act for the Good of Humanity

Let us keep ourselves honest, truthful, caring, and kind. Let us practice gratitude, fairness, compassion, and empathy.

Let us strive to be the person that God made us to be. Respect all life and care for each other.

Life is short.

Be a person of good character.

Act for the good of humanity.


Compassion is at the heart of all the good that human beings have done in the world.

Compassion calls us to serve, uplift, and support others as we would wish to be served, uplifted, and supported. 

Compassion demands that we work to end the pain of our fellow humans and to honor the sacredness of every human life.

We are called to treat every human being with justice, fairness, respect, equity, and compassion.