
Share your love and gratitude...

"Too often, we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around." - Dr. Leo Buscaglia

I have had the privilege to spend many hours with those in their final days. Universally we want to know; Did our life have meaning? Did it matter that we were here? We all want to feel that our lives had meaning and purpose. We all have contributed something special to this world. We all leave something meaningful.

Do not wait until someone is leaving this life. Let them know now. Tell people you love and appreciate them. Let them know they have contributed to your life. Let them know they have made a positive impact, a difference in life.

When we acknowledge and affirm each other, we transform our lives.

Be generous and abundant with your compliments.

Extend loving kindness to everyone.

We are all different

Life is a gift. We are each blessed with our spirit and our divine uniqueness.

We are each different. If we look close enough, we see everything and everyone is different. We can find similarities but none of us are the same.

We all bring our unique light to the world. We all shine differently. 

The moon does not complain that it is not as bright as the sun. The moon does not feel less than the sun.

We must stop comparing, judging, and evaluating each other.

Trust that your uniqueness is needed in the world.

We are all different. Each of us expressing our uniqueness to make the world a better place.

Happiness is sharing your gift in your unique way.

There are no small actions...

I don't remember consciously inviting this difficult time period into my life. I pray to move through this as soon as possible. I am aware that in the past, difficult times have been good for my soul and strengthened my character.

Difficult times have invited me to gather my character traits, virtues, faith, and love to face adversity. "If you bring forth what is within you, what is within you will save you." - Gospel of Thomas

Difficult times liberate us from our ego-driven, me, me, me. Today's questions appear difficult. I search deeper and longer for truth. I join with my unseen allies; spirit, angels, and unconditional love. I listen to the "still, small voice." 

The universe speaks to me and I am engaged in a relationship with the whole world. We all thrive on interdependence. We are all interconnected. This is our opportunity. Pour your love and purpose into every day. Be yourself. Be fully authentic.

There are no small actions. The world needs you. Now!

Contribute to the good...

"You cannot solve a problem by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them." - Albert Einstein

The challenges we are all currently facing will not be solved by sitting around a conference table discussing the problem. Each one of us is being called to act responsibly. We are all responsible for what we think, say, feel, and do. It is time to accept the call to heal ourselves, each other and our planet. We can forgive and let go of any negative thoughts that impact our spirits. We can contribute to the good.

Know that there is a greater power of unconditional love at work in our life and in the lives of all humanity.

"Be the change you want to see in the world." - Gandhi