
Walking together

I walked with you today Ashley. As we walked, I felt the breeze that brought you smiles and sounds of joy. I talked with you softly like I always do. Loud and harsh just doesn’t work for angels. 

My heart flew open as I saw you in the cardinal, the deer, and the chipmunks. There is one pink flower that is thriving this summer. I speak to it and call it by your name.  

I feel the warmth of the sun on my back and I know it is you blessing me. I never want to stop walking with you. 

Each moment is sacred.

I pray for more.

Human beings

Human beings are by nature social, emotional, and spiritual beings. We are born with an awareness of meaning, value, and sacredness for life. We are born with compassion, empathy, cooperation, and a sense of fairness and justice.

These capacities must be supported or they will be lost.

We all belong

Every individual has unique gifts and talents and must be treated with dignity and respect for those gifts to shine. Our birthright is love and freedom. We are each worthy of caring and safety. 

Our communities must be places where all of us, in our uniquenesses, feel respected, cared for, understood, and loved. We must create places where we all feel a sense of belonging, meaning, and purpose. 

We must all open our hearts and minds and see the light that shines in every individual. 

Let us form meaningful relationships, learn from each others perspective and experience and serve our community as responsible individuals in a goal of never-ending growth. 

Speak our love

With Ashley, I always spoke directly from my heart. I always spoke to her in soft tones. Knowing her life would be short, I knew each sound was sacred. 

I knew each time I spoke, it could be the last time she heard me. Everything I ever said to her was filled with love. Every "good morning", every "good night", every prayer, every storybook, and every "I love you".

I thanked her every morning for being with us, for being alive, for bringing her angelic, unconditional love into our lives. I often thanked her for the miracle of her. Surviving so many surgeries, countless seizures, and sometimes endless pain. Her smile, though infrequent, has made an indelible joy in my life, in my soul, and in my heart.

Let us all have the courage to speak our love every day, every minute. Do not fall into the trap of believing there is a tomorrow.

Now is the time to say "I love you".

We need to love ourselves

We need to love ourselves. Not in an egotistic, narcissistic way, but in a whole, healthy, and complete, knowing that we are good, caring people.

We are all emanations of the Divine. In each of us is perfection and unconditional love. You are the love, kindness, generosity, beauty, and creativity of Divinity, God is good. Life is good. Each of you, as children of God, are good.

Embrace and accept all of who you are.

You are a unique expression of Divinity.