
Healthy boundaries and self-awareness

Other's behavior toward us is often a reflection of their relationship with themselves.

I am still, at 70 years old, learning daily about boundaries in all relationships. In healthy, supportive relationships, respect, and love helps us build trust and connection. I am learning that appropriate boundaries build standards for how I will allow others to treat me.

Healthy boundaries are essential for trust and openness to grow and develop. Within these boundaries, we build a deeper connection and share what is acceptable and what is not.

I continue to find that most of my work in this area is internal. The first relationship is with myself and self-awareness leads to acceptance and love. From this self-awareness, I can extend myself by developing relationships built on mutual trust, respect, and support.

Our healthy relationships...

Empathy and compassion are created through relationships and a commitment to something or someone greater than you.

Our relationships vary in degree and intensity and are based on trust, honesty, integrity, and caring. We create our authentic relationships based on our self-awareness and social awareness.

All healthy relationships begin with connection. When we nurture our connection, we seek to honor, empower and uplift the spirit in the other. We bring our authenticity, vulnerability, and integrity to our friends, family, and workmates. We bring as much or more than we receive.

Let us all base our relationships on authenticity, empathy, compassion, and generosity.

Good and kind relationship with ourselves

For overall health and well being, it is essential to have a good and kind relationship with ourselves.

Kindness, acceptance, and love for ourselves is the groundwork for our love for others. We have no hope of truly loving another unless we practice kindness and self love for ourselves. Our relationships with others reflects our relationship with ourselves.

We first must recognize our relationship with Divinity and become aware of our worthiness. As emanations of the Divine, we are worthy of love simply because we are alive. We are worthy of goodness, kindness, health, abundance, and loving supportive relationships because we are spiritual beings having a human experience.

Our outer relationships resonate with the love that blossoms in each of us. 

We are all worthy of loving and supportive relationships.

Shine the light of love...

No harm can do lasting damage when you know God is unconditional, is with you.

When we enter a difficult or painful period in our lives, we do not need to stay in the darkness. While in the darkness, feel all there is to feel. Feel the pain, feel the fear. Feel all that you feel- fully. Then turn on the light. Go to your sources of love and light. What are your sources of love and light?

For me they are my faith. My faith is an unconditional loving God. I do believe I am held in the palm of unconditional love. Another source of love and light is my wife Sandra. She is limitless kindness, compassion, deep caring, and love. There is also our angelic daughter Ashley. Although unable to speak or consciously move, Ashley emanates Divine love constantly.

My morning prayer and meditation are tools that turn on the light. Yoga, nature, water, and sun also bring me the warmth of love.

I choose to shine the light of love on every situation in my life.

Laughter is the Effervescence of Life

I greatly appreciate those individuals who sit lightly in our world. I love when we can laugh at ourselves. My nature is a bit on the serious side. I am naturally introspective and thoughtful and enjoy deep conversations.

I also love laughter. I find it healing and refreshing. I think a good sense of humor; especially self-effacing humor, is essential for a healthy life.  I greatly appreciate people who can laugh at themselves.

I love when our lives bubble up with joy and laughter. Divinity is playful, full of joy, and has a wonderful sense of humor.

I am grateful for laughter and joy.