
I rededicate myself...

As I continue to study, reflect, and work to be a good, caring person, I do my best not to be judgmental. This continues to be a challenge. On balance, I am open and accepting but I continue to struggle with past hurts. Particularly when someone has broken my trust. I find it very difficult to trust that person again.

I find there is great wisdom in believing that every person is doing the best they can with what they know and what their life experience has been. When I allow myself to accept that truth, I can move to understanding. I can forgive and possibly be empathetic.

My life has been grounded in the core values of caring, compassion, trust, hard work, and integrity. I know what is right and wrong for me. I do not know what is right and wrong for you.

There is so much hate in our world now. We think we know what is right or wrong for everyone. We need to reclaim the beauty of perspective; to see the world through the eyes and experience of the other. We need to work towards compromise or at least listen to each other.

I rededicate myself to acceptance and gratitude.

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