
As educators...

"A man has made at least a start on discovering the meaning of human life when he plants shade trees under which he knows full well he will never sit."
- Elton Trueblood

As educators this quote sums up our life of commitment to our students.  As educators our life is service and legacy.  We serve through dedication, detail, inspiration, motivation, tough love, discipline, forgiveness, compassion, empathy, and creativity.  Our legacy is formed in every student who believes in themselves, who learns to work with others, who finds their purpose, who serves their country and community, who leaves the world a bit better because their teacher did that for them.

"The seed never sees the flower."
- Zen proverb

As educators we are seed planters.  We plant seed after seed believing in the process of life and education.  We practice a faith as deep as nature itself.  Every action, every word, every lesson has ripples generations after us.  Every student we impact affects the world and all its people.

As educators we play a significant role in the health and healing of the world.  
Everything we do matters to someone.

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