
Inclusion and Unconditional Love

The universe - one verse - one whole system. Limitless and purposeful in every aspect. We are one of the single points of light in this song of life. We are one shining ray of light connected to the great source. Let us be aware of who we are. Let us cherish ourselves and each other. Let us be open to new experiences and the ability to choose again. Let us see others as emanations of the Divine. Let us be compassionate, grateful, and full of joy. 

Unconditional love belongs to everyone. We are fulfilled as we share this love. The power is in INCLUSION. The more love we give, the more love we receive. Unconditional love is in everyone one of us. This love is forever expanding. Forever pulsating outward. Everyone grows in the presence of unconditional love. We are all connected in the unity of unconditional love.

When we love each other, we honor the Divinity in all those we love. This is an act of compassion as well as an act of self nurturing. What we give, we receive. Inclusion begins in our hearts and emanates outward like rays of sunlight. Let us create a world that works for everyone.

We are one

"One God and father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in all." - Ephesians 4:6

Unconditional love respects and honors everyone. Our universal family acknowledges and transcends race, language, and culture. Unconditional love sees only God's children.

Let us all be secure in our love to connect to everyone with respect, kindness, and gratitude. Let us explore with curiosity and empathy our unique differences. Let us communicate with caring and compassion.

We all belong to the same universal family.

We are all siblings in the family of unconditional love.

We are one.