
The source of joy

The true source of joy and happiness is the awareness and practice of our sense of purpose in each and every moment. This source of joy brings meaning to our lives and enhances our health and wellness. The source of joy originates from within and ripples out to positively impact everyone we encounter.

Enjoy Thom's blogs? Read one every day in his new book 
"Social Emotional Learning One Day at a Time: Daily Reflections: SEL 365 Days a Year"
available on Amazon here


All those we have loved and truly connected with throughout our life become a part of us. As we add years, experiences, and relationships to our life, there are more and more people we are blessed to love. Each new person, each new relationship, becomes part of our very personal internal community. They are part of our minds, thoughts, and our heart's feelings.

Let us widen our circle of community to recognize our siblings from different mothers. Let us be aware that in each stranger, is a potential family member we have yet to meet.

Let us expand the community our heart and reach out in empathy and compassion.

Let us welcome new friends to our community. 

Enjoy Thom's blogs? Read one every day in his new book "Social Emotional Learning One Day at a Time: Daily Reflections: SEL 365 Days a Year" available on Amazon here


When I pray, I feel God's presence within me like a warm breeze. Sometimes my prayer has words. Ancient words, learned in school, in church and at my childhood bedtime. My prayers can be gratitude and my prayers can be petitions. I can pray out loud and I can pray in silence. My prayers can be read from my favorite book and my prayers can be following my breathing, in and out, slowly for 30 minutes. My prayer can be watching the birds, butterflies, and bees. My prayer can be smelling the sweet smell of angel roses, lilacs, and honeysuckle. My prayers can be peaceful music, or rock and roll. I can pray by simply, or not so simply, paying attention, being aware. I can pray in laughter, and I can pray with my tears.

I pray knowing God's unconditional love wraps me in the mystery of life and I am home.