
We must share our stories...

 "Whoever survives a test, whatever it may be, must tell the story. That is his duty." - Elie Wiesel

It has been my privilege to tell our special needs daughter Ashley's story for 39 years and I will continue to share her story. Ashley's passing into another life is not the end of her story. I revisit her birth, the first diagnosis of seizure disorder, and the words "severely, profoundly retarded." That was the first loss. Then multiple surgeries and multiple life-and-death struggles.

When I tell her story, I affirm her life and the lives of all special needs children and families. I share the challenges and fears and I also share the blessings and grace that emanated from her angelic nature.

In telling her story, I also continue my healing process and hope the telling of her story provides healing to others. I want to help others see the light and unconditional love of Divinity that was our daughter's life.

I hope I can ease the pain for others. I have come to learn that my tears are love. Never apologize for your tears. Each drop of salty tears is your heart pulsing "I love you."

I tell my story so we all can find connection through courage, vulnerability, authenticity, and love.

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