
Daring to be different

"We must dare to be different, to point to ideals other than those of this world, testifying to the beauty of generosity, service, purity, perseverance, forgiveness, fidelity to our personal vocation, prayer, the pursuit of justice and the common good, love for the poor and social friendship."
- Pope Francis, 2019

I read this on June 2, 2019 and I was thrilled and challenged.  Daring to be different and living up to ideals that are not of this world has always been my calling.  Generosity and service go hand in hand in my life.  I have always enjoyed giving my expertise and materials in service to others, especially students and schools.  I enjoy finding ways to provide my services at a reduced rate or at no cost.

I live with purity in the form of our special needs daughter, Ashley.  She is pure in heart, mind and body.  Perseverance has always been a trait that I most admire.  I will hire perseverance over great intellect or talent every time.  I believe true success can only be found in perseverance.

Forgiveness is an ongoing process in my life.  Everyday I learn, everyday I have an opportunity to forgive.  I pray to be more forgiving.  Social justice and the good for all, especially those in need, is the mission of our work.  It has been the mission of my life.

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