

"If you place two living heart cells from different people in a petri dish, they will in time, find and maintain a third and common beat." - Molly Vass

The biology of unity recognizes our inherent oneness. Despite our arguments, prejudices, biases, and hatred the essence of life is to connect, to be as one.

We are social beings. We are "hardwired for connection" says BrenĂ© Brown. We are designed to be interdependent and collaborate with others. We are here on the earth, in this life, to learn to be in relationship. To learn how to love with the fullness of life.

May you feel the blessing of being fully loved and loving fully.

May you feel the ecstasy of being one with God.

Feel the pulse and rhythm of life itself.
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We are blessed with many beautiful and loving experiences. I have experienced that the only way to hold this ephemeral beauty is to give it away.

The deeper the experience, the more meaningful the memory. Give it away by sharing the lesson and the learning with others. Allow others to be blessed by what has shaped and transformed you.

Transformation always invites leaving something behind, letting go.

So leave something behind. Take your intimate memories and craft them into an experience that blesses the lives of others.

The Space

"It is the nature of grace always to fill spaces that have been empty." - Goethe

So what do I do with the empty space in my life that was once filled by Ashley and her unconditional love. The empty wheelchair, the empty bed, the empty presence of unconditional love that permeated every aspect of our home, our family, our life.

I fill the space with gratitude for the blessings that are Ashley. I fill the space with service. Sharing her truth, sharing her unconditional love. I fill the space with the vulnerability that she taught me to express.

I fill the space with her love.


Bound together

"The measure of a society is how it treats its weakest members."

We must act to help and serve those that are sick, suffering, disenfranchised, and outcast. Compassion and caring bind us together as a civilization. Without these virtues, we are a random rabble of egotists.

We are all someone's beloved children. We are all part of a human community, bound together by our similarities and differences.

"Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect."
- Chief Seattle