
Mr. Rogers

“The world needs a sense of worth, and it will achieve it only by its people feeling that they are worthwhile.”
                                                                                    - Fred Rogers

I remember watching Mr. Rogers with my children when they were very young.  His gentle, kind demeanor was a moment of peace in a hectic world.  Mr. Rogers always seemed to find the good in everyone.

I am aware that I am sometimes harsh with my self-assessment.  I am learning there is great value in asking what is right with me as well as what needs to improve. 

A positive inventory could include the following questions;

What are my positive character traits?
What skills and talents do I have?
In what ways have I been kind?
When have I stood up for myself or others in need?
Am I comfortable asking for help?
Do I set healthy boundaries?
What have I accomplished that was previously a fear?
Am I loving in my relationships?
Am I close to God?
How am I changing and growing?
Am I grateful?
Have I forgiven myself and others?

Be kind and gentle with yourself.

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