
Share our stories

The exploration of our shared humanity is a privilege that I have been deeply committed to for my past 68 years.

Each day I begin my exploration with meditation, self reflection, and assessment. I deliberately focus on the good I can give and the good I will receive. I have a genuine interest in people I meet and interact with throughout my day. I do my best to smile and have a positive attitude. I strive to be a good listener and focus on remembering peoples names. I think calling someone by name is a sign of respect.

I love to listen to people stories. We all have a life story. I believe our stories are our wealth. I feel that our stories reveal we are more similar than different. In the sharing of our stories, I find perspective, understanding, compassion, and empathy.

I encourage all of us to embrace our story. Speak our truth. In speaking our truth and sharing our story we are all able to listen to other truths, embrace other stories and feel the unity in diversity.  We are hardwired for connection.

"Authentic social connection has a profound effect on your mental health - it even exceeds the value of exercise and an ideal body weight, on your physical health." Dr. James Doty

Kindness, respect, understanding, compassion and empathy is good for everyone.

What Schools Need

Schools do not need more standardized tests
Schools do not need more technology
Schools need servant leaders

Schools need servant leaders who put service above ego,
who can persevere through challenge and crisis,
who will stay present even when it is uncomfortable.

Schools need servant leaders who care about children, parents, staff, 
and the diverse community we all live and work in.

Schools need servant leaders who will not be lead down a false path of faster is better, 
force wins, and degrees make you smarter than someone else.

Schools need servant leaders who will receive and celebrate the human spirit.

Schools need servant leaders who will recognize that time and attention are more important than expediency and the next new cell phone app.

Schools need servant leaders who have the courage to share leadership 
and empower staff, students, and parents.

Schools need servant leaders because we have lost our way as a nation. 
Children should not be put in cages and parents should not be punished for sacrificing everything for their child's well-being. We need servant leaders who will remember the courage it takes to intervene with hatred, violence, poverty, addiction, and mental illness.

We have not lost our way because of lack of ideas or technology. We have lost our way because of a lack of courage. The solutions are already here. Servant leaders have the courage to be caring, compassionate, empathetic, understanding, patient, firm, clear, forgiving, and grateful.

Servant leaders live in integrity.

Schools need servant leaders.

A new is quite simple

Something eternal has been born in me. I have no choice but to nurture it until it reaches its full growth and maturity.

I have been studying, experiencing, practicing, and teaching to become my best self for the past 68 years. I am aware that we all have been blessed with the sacred spark of Divinity within each of us.  I know that spark grows and blossoms as we serve others.

I continue to feel deeply called to a life of service. I am gravely concerned for our nation, our families, our communities, and our children, all our children. I have no interest in a political debate. Either I am serving the greater good or I am not. It is that simple. The greater good is quite simple to me.

Am I kind?
Am I respectful?
Am I compassionate?
Am I responsible?
Am I conscious and aware?
Do I seek to be a better person today than I was yesterday?
Will I make a greater contribution to our world today than I did yesterday?

"Out beyond ideas of wrong doing and right doing, there is a field. I will meet you there." - Rumi

We must move beyond judgment that lacks understanding. We must meet in the open field of compassion and love.