
What is the song of your soul?

Alan Cohen writes that when a woman in a certain African tribe knows she is pregnant, she goes into the wilderness with friends to pray and meditate until she hears her child’s unique song.  They return to the tribe and teach the song to everyone.

When the child is born, the community sings the child’s song.  When the child goes to school, the community sings their song.  When the child becomes an adult, they sing their song.  When the child marries, they sing their song.  When the child is dying, they sing their song.

The only other time the song is sung is if the child commits a crime or does something that hurts the community.  The community surrounds the person and sings their song to them. 

What is your song?  Who are the people in your community that know your song and remind you who you truly are?

We each have our own unique song.  Our unique purpose is expressed through our gifts and talents.  When we are on purpose, we are full of joy and passion.  We are one with our soul - one with our song.

All of our life experiences are lessons to keep us connected with our true purpose, our song.  Stay true to your song.  Stay true to your life’s purpose.  If you feel off center, sing your song.  Reflect on your true nature.  Do not deny your true purpose to be someone you are not.  Be in harmony with others, but do not attempt to be them.  We best serve others when we are offering our truth.

Be authentic, be transparent, be vulnerable, be true to yourself.

Sing your song.

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