
Courageously Reconnecting Our Broken Pieces

In this life, we have all been hurt and we have all hurt someone else.  Life offers lesson after lesson.  For the most part, we do not intend to hurt others and they don’t intend to hurt us.  “Unintended hurt is as common as branches snapped by the wind.” (Mark Nepo).  It is when we do not acknowledge our hurt and pain that it can fester into a debilitating wound.

“Just as our only recourse to falling down is getting up, our only recourse to hurting others is to acknowledge what we’ve done and clean up the mess.  In 12 Step groups and other support systems, this is called making amends” (Mark Nepo).  Making amends is an act of humility, forgiveness, and integrity.  We own our behaviors and ask forgiveness.  Integrity restores trust.  Trust connects us with our essential values.  We learn by trusting that by sharing our diversity, we discover unity.

In this life, we will feel both hurt and love.  Our unity is formed when we overcome the hurt through integrity.  Life is repaired and love is created when we courageously reconnect our broken pieces.
The world is waiting to hear your inner voice – waiting for your greatness.  No one but God knows what you are capable of.  Reflect on what brings you joy.  What would you do for nothing?  Do what brings you the greatest joy and the world will be grateful for your sharing.  If the world does not understand, let it go.  God will understand.  It is only about you and God anyway.

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