

You were and can continue to be the soul of our family. 

You did not join this life easily and you left us much too soon. 

I hear your voice in my silent prayers and you whisper "I love you" in the gentle breeze. You brought the quiet joy of unconditional love into our home, and you brought the light of Divine wisdom.

I still see God's footprints on your bedroom floor.

Your essence is at the heart of my life's greatest mystery. Where you came from, and where you went, I don't really know. But I know the universe is a better place with you in it. Your love left a piece of divinity in each of us. You were always home with God. 

You changed the world, not by what you said and did, but by the quality of your soul. You served the world by pulsating unconditional love. You were joined with Divinity and brought peace to each and every day. 

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