
Kindness is not a luxury, it is a necessity

Practicing kindness is good for our psychology and good for our physiology.  Practicing kindness is good for the recipient and good for the giver.

Dr. David Hamilton shows in his research that human beings are hard wired to be kind, and our physical bodies are at their peak of health when we practice kindness.  It has been repeatedly proven that our bodies respond to, and need kindness.

"Being kind actually changes the internal biochemistry of your body." - Dr. David Hamilton

Kindness increases our positivity and leads to better physical health and inward happiness.  

Our survival as human beings has historically and continually been dependent upon the kindness of others.  Human beings survive because we are kind and because we show kindness.  Kindness is a matter of common sense.  By practicing kindness, we ensure our benefit and the benefit of our loved ones and community.  Our health and happiness is inherently connected to the health and happiness of others.  

Cruelty and violence make the news headlines because they are the exception.  The world evolves because we take care of each other.  Compassion after natural tragedies proves life goes on precisely because we are kind to each other.

Kindness is not a luxury, it is a necessity.

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