
Reflections on Work (from my experience)

- See your work as service to humanity and the world.  Don’t work just for money.  Your work is an ever-changing process of serving the needs of others.

- Be compassionate and empathetic to all you serve.  Seek to understand their needs.

- Use common sense.  Simple language, simple solutions, keep to the basics.  Be a person of character.

- Treat your colleagues and workmates like dear friends and beloved family members.  Don’t just hire people.  Adopt them.  Bring them into your heart and your home.

- Care deeply about your service.  Those we serve offer us a blessing of opportunity.  Our work would not exist without those we serve.

- Be clear on your values.  Make sure your personal and professional values are in alignment with each other.  Openly share your values with all you serve and all who work with you.

- Focus your work on integrity, courage, authenticity, and transparency.  Be vulnerable and generous.

- Encourage the personal and professional growth of everyone you work with and everyone you serve.  As our work grows, we share our growth and we become more productive and purposeful.

- Work on building trust everyday.  If you make a mistake, make a sincere apology.

- The ends DO NOT justify the means.  The process of the work is essential.   The answers to problems are often found in the process.  Trust the process. 

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