I love storytelling. I love telling my stories and I love listening to your stories. I always find common ground.
I find storytelling to be a healing process. The process of storytelling is at best, a relational process. There is the storyteller and the listener. The listener is essential to the storytelling process. If there is no listener, there is no understanding.
"Listening, in and of itself, is healing. " - Dr. Yvonne Kaye
Listening asks us to be open, patient, and humble. We must be fully present. Turn off the cell phone, put away the shopping list, and focus on the storyteller. When we listen, we step empathetically into the life of the storyteller. And as storytellers, we seek to be understood by the listener.
This process is called unity.
As a storyteller, I open my heart and place it in your hands. I dare to believe you are listening and you want to be understood.
I dare to hope.