We cannot change the past. We can acknowledge it, and learn from it. In acknowledging and learning, we can create a better future. In this process of growth, we ask for forgiveness and make amends wherever possible. This process of healing increases our courage, integrity, empathy, and compassion.
Let us be grateful for all that we have received. In our safety, let us keep others safe. Let our goodness flow into helping others. We share this life. We share our speck on this beautiful blue marble we call earth. Let us encircle each other in brother and sisterhood. Let us be humble in sharing our gifts and talents, and let us appreciate the gifts and talents of others.
We are one beautiful, diverse family of God. In our family, we include those who have no defenses. We include those who have no voice. We include those who look and act differently than we do. How we treat others reveals our character.
"Whatever you have done to the least of my brethren." Matthew 25:40
Everything matters. How you vote matters. How you speak matters. How you behave matters. Every choice you make matters. Every action we take ripples out across the world and impacts all life. Every choice we make is a legacy we leave for future generations. We now are deciding on the future. We are deciding if there will be a future.
Kindness is the only sane and logical choice.
"Social Emotional Learning One Day at a Time: Daily Reflections: SEL 365 Days a Year"
available on Amazon here