

Hope is such a powerful and beautiful concept. Where there is hope, there is light. Hope is the flickering candle in the darkest night. Hope is spirit shining deeply within us.

Hope is our loved ones whispering "all is good." I am happy, I am full of peace.

Hope reminds us that death is not the end of life. Death is a passageway to new life.

Hope is the essence of life itself bubbling up, effervescent, flowering in the spring snow.

I hear my daughter in the bird song of early spring. I see her in the fawn that steps to nibble the new growth on the side of the trail. I feel her in the breeze that she's so loved.

Her love and presence continues.


Road of Healing

"If suffering alone taught, all the world would be wise, since everyone suffers. To suffering must be added mourning, understanding, patience, love, openness, and the willingness to remain vulnerable." - Anne Morrow Lindbergh

This has been my journey these past few months. I pray to stay open and vulnerable to life's experiences. I hope that with time and love, I continue to move forward, not move on, but move forward. Move forward into greater strength, less fear, and greater health and wholeness. This being healthy is hard work, 24/7, diligent, disciplined, committed work.

As I travel this road of healing, I take my time, I pause, I notice, and I find gratitude.

I sense others who may need my help and I stay open to the help of others.


The Healthy Community

The healthy community is measured by its passion for all its members.

The healthy community seeks to understand all its members. Community asks us to invest our time and energy in one another. Community nurtures, supports, cares for, and each other holds responsible.

I am my sibling. I am my parent. I am my caregiver. I am every member of my community.

Listen to understand

Listen to forgive

Listen to love

"The Inseparable Family" Artist: Paul Akiiki, Uganda

Love and Fear

We are living in a challenging time. The balance of love and fear is in constant motion. Hate has come out of the darkness and shouts loudly rather than admit it is afraid.

We individually must take responsibility for our past transgressions and ask for forgiveness. As we have the courage to heal individually, our healing energy will ripple out and impact a global healing.

We are born to be good. We are on a journey to discover our unconditional and loving nature. Through this journey of vulnerability, we bring unity to the world.

Everything we say, and do affects someone deeply. We are beginning to understand that as we offer love and healing to others, we find love and healing.