

Love is always my goal. I have come to learn that faith is one of the key components in reaching the goal of love.

In grieving the passing of our daughter Ashley, my wife Sandra and I often turn to each other and ask "What do people do without faith?"

Faith is how I keep my mind and heart open. For me, faith is not some dogma, prescription, or mutual agreement on right and wrong. Faith is whole and complete in and of itself. For me, faith is a bit of heaven right now. In my faith, I speak to Ashley. I listen to her continuing message of unconditional love. In my faith, I strive to be a person she would admire.

My faith helps me stay positive and productive. My faith keeps me from negativity and resentment. My faith keeps me writing, teaching, speaking, and serving. Faith helps me create what I want to see in the world.

Without faith, I would be in despair and depression. Faith enhances my perspective, seeing even the loss of my beloved daughter as part of the path to unconditional love.

We must share our stories...

 "Whoever survives a test, whatever it may be, must tell the story. That is his duty." - Elie Wiesel

It has been my privilege to tell our special needs daughter Ashley's story for 39 years and I will continue to share her story. Ashley's passing into another life is not the end of her story. I revisit her birth, the first diagnosis of seizure disorder, and the words "severely, profoundly retarded." That was the first loss. Then multiple surgeries and multiple life-and-death struggles.

When I tell her story, I affirm her life and the lives of all special needs children and families. I share the challenges and fears and I also share the blessings and grace that emanated from her angelic nature.

In telling her story, I also continue my healing process and hope the telling of her story provides healing to others. I want to help others see the light and unconditional love of Divinity that was our daughter's life.

I hope I can ease the pain for others. I have come to learn that my tears are love. Never apologize for your tears. Each drop of salty tears is your heart pulsing "I love you."

I tell my story so we all can find connection through courage, vulnerability, authenticity, and love.

When we love, we emanate Divinity

It is important to remember that there are far more people in the world working every day for love, peace, justice, equity, equality, and respect for diversity, than those opposing them. There are people everywhere, just like you, who are being kind, empathetic, compassionate, and forgiving. We are standing in a global community of generosity and love.

"I have one life and one chance to make it count for faith demands that I do whatever I can, wherever I am, whenever I can, for as long as I can with whatever I have to try to make a difference." - Jimmy Carter

I continue to devote my life to teaching compassion, acceptance, and love. I strive to build tables of welcome and abundance and tear down walls.

"Love is the greatest force in the universe." - Martin Luther King Jr.

When we love, we emanate Divinity.

Love is Life

We feel the pulse of love as we connect with strangers through a smile and hello. We feel the depth of long-lived love as we depend on those intimate few who sustain our life. The human need to love and be loved is as essential as food, water, and shelter. We build a life of support, nourishment, empathy, compassion, and love.

Then, like shattered glass or a broken bone, one of our deepest, dearest ones passes from this life. The world stops, our hearts break, and our tears of love fall like rain. Our lives will never be the same.

And then we realize love is still there. Love is not a solid object. It has no beginning or end. Love is not limited. Love is a creative energy of the universe and will never be contained.

The love we received continues to flow in our direction. The love we extended continues as I say good morning to my daughter's picture. I rest in love as I pray with her every morning, and every night.

Even in sorrow, love continues to move and grow. In bittersweet compassion, we spiritually embrace, knowing we are forever bound together. Family, life, love.

Every kindness leads to a building of trust and unity

My current learning is that we face adversity by moving directly through it. By feeling everything; the fear, anger, grief, longing, and even the physical pain. I move forward, knowing all those I love are in me. In moving forward and experiencing all of my feelings, I live more deeply.

In every day, and every moment, there is an opportunity for kindness. The picking up of trash that is not yours or the gracious greeting to someone,you do not know. We must cooperate with life and each other. We must be responsible and know that as we give, we receive.

Every kindness leads to a building of trust and unity.

God has chosen each of us to be God's emanation of unconditional love in this world. We are each in a unique situation, where we can choose to share God's love with others.

Whatever your role, whatever your task in this life, please choose to share God's unconditional love.