
I rededicate myself...

As I continue to study, reflect, and work to be a good, caring person, I do my best not to be judgmental. This continues to be a challenge. On balance, I am open and accepting but I continue to struggle with past hurts. Particularly when someone has broken my trust. I find it very difficult to trust that person again.

I find there is great wisdom in believing that every person is doing the best they can with what they know and what their life experience has been. When I allow myself to accept that truth, I can move to understanding. I can forgive and possibly be empathetic.

My life has been grounded in the core values of caring, compassion, trust, hard work, and integrity. I know what is right and wrong for me. I do not know what is right and wrong for you.

There is so much hate in our world now. We think we know what is right or wrong for everyone. We need to reclaim the beauty of perspective; to see the world through the eyes and experience of the other. We need to work towards compromise or at least listen to each other.

I rededicate myself to acceptance and gratitude.

How do we find our deepest and best self?

Throughout my life, I have found that some of the important tools and practices are prayer, meditation, service to others, art, poetry, solitude, nature, music, empathy, compassion, trust, truth, and love. 

Always love.

I find it is always important to accept life as it impacts us. What we resist, will persist. Acceptance of the pandemic or acceptance of my heart surgery means I do my part. I wear my mask and get my vaccinations. I get my heart surgery and follow my plant-based diet and continue my exercise program.

The essence of life is that we are loved. Unconditionally loved by a divinity that is with us and in us. I rejoice in every experience life has given me. The laughter and the tears.

Love is in every moment.

Filtering out the negative, Focusing on the positive

"Whatever things are true, noble, just, pure, lovely, and of good report… 
Meditate on these things."
- Philippians 4:8

We are bombarded with social media and outside messages throughout our days. We must create a filtering system in our awareness that allows the negative to pass by and focus on the positive and valuable.

I believe the above Bible verse may be a six-layer system for filtering out the negative.

In meditation and prayer simply focus on:
Is it true?
Is it noble?
Is it just?
Is it pure?
Is it loving?
And is it of good report?
If the answer is no, let it pass. If the answer is yes, allow it into your life.

Your mind, body, and soul are strengthened by focusing on the positive.


"Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's possible,
and suddenly you are doing the impossible." - St. Francis of Assisi

We are all human beings with infinite and endless possibilities. Inspiration is the beginning of moving forward and making our possibilities real. Inspiration moves us beyond our perceived limits.

When we are inspired, we are literally breathing in spirit. Inspiration, from the Latin "in spiritus", means to breathe in spirit. When we breathe in spirit, we are breathing in the Divine. We are breathing in God. When we breathe in spirit, everything is possible. We rise to the occasion. We embrace the dream. Our talents and abilities come to the surface.

Inspiration fills you with Divine energy.