"I'm convinced of this: Good done anywhere is good done everywhere...As long as you're breathing, it's never too late to do some good." - Maya Angelou
My grandfather used to say "as long as you're breathing, there is work to do." I thought he meant the work we needed to do on the farm. Now I know he was talking about a much greater responsibility.
We need deep empathetic listening and compassionate, courageous action to serve the needs of our human family. We can no longer turn away from unconscious bias and the impact of our choices. We are all responsible for taking the actions that are needed to awaken and serve the greater good.
Love and service are at the heart of our efforts to connect. We are one interconnected whole. When anyone hurts, we all hurt. When anyone is diminished, we are all diminished. This is empathy. This is our birthright and responsibility. We can all thrive. We are all emanations of one unified whole.
Let us compassionately and courageously act for the wellness of all humanity.