
Every contribution made in love counts forever

I believe that in our lives there are moments of awareness and awakening. Something, often miraculous, occurs to remind us that our life is not a fluke. We are here on purpose. In these moments, I believe our soul is calling out to us. 

"Wake up! This is not a dress rehearsal. It is time to straighten up and fly right."

These soulful moments invite us to heal our relationships with ourselves and others. They invite us to find peace in our hearts and in our actions. We are invited to act for the greater good of humankind and our precious earth.

The soul knows we are all part of a cosmic unity.  We are all co-creating emanations of God's unconditional love.

Welcome sisters and brothers.  We are being called together to awaken to the essential work of life.


Hero's Journey

"We have not even to risk the adventure alone for the hero’s of all time have gone before us."
- Joseph Campbell

We are all on a hero's journey through this life. We confront great challenges; heart surgery, pandemic, social justice, trauma. In each of our hero's journeys, we face times of transition and transformation. If we are awake and aware, each step of the journey reveals hidden truths and talents. We find the great treasure of ourselves. We find authenticity, transparency, vulnerability, and courage. 

Life calls us to adventure. Through birth, death, and rebirth we find the great expression of life. Our life! We create our greatest work of art. If we refuse to call to life, we stagnate and die long before our physical death. If we accept the call and show up each day with open hearts and minds we are rewarded with new life and new adventure. Through each adventure, we return newly empowered and with greater wisdom. Like the characters in Oz, we find greater courage, wisdom, and love. Our lives are enriched and we return to life and life is enhanced for all.

One human family...

The essential concern for humanity at this time is a lack of understanding and love. The answer to reconnecting is the ability to see everyone as a member of our human family. We are all more similar than we are different. 

When we encounter someone we perceive is different, it would be wise to ask ourselves...

How would I connect with this person if they were a family member whom I loved?

Another essential question...

Will I choose to be the best version of myself now?

When someone enters our life, welcome them into your life like a long-lost family member. Everyone brings the gift of who they are and we share the gift of who we are.

Can you hear that?

 "All over the sky a sacred voice is calling your name." - Black Elk

You are compassion, empathy, truth, trust, and love.  Deep abiding love.  Unconditional love.  

Can you hear that?

Can you accept that?

Can you own that?

You are an emanation of Divinity.  

No matter how many lies you and the world have told you about yourself, you are not anything other than love.

You are part of the unconditional loving energy that creates the universe.