
This is my guiding light

"I can see that in the midst of death, life persists, in the midst of untruth, truth persists, in the midst of darkness, light persists… God is life, truth, light. He is love. He is the supreme good." 
- Mahatma Gandhi

I have experienced moments of significant struggle during the past six weeks. The coronavirus has presented challenges for each of us. My nature is to help, educate, and build community. I and my colleagues are working very hard to support children, families, and schools. Most days, it does not feel like enough.

Science and philosophy teaches me that chaos will be followed by order. In my heart, deep in my heart, I know we will have peace and health again. I need to focus on peace and health and keep my mind free of fear and anger.

"That deeply emotional conviction of the presence of a superior reasoning power – which is revealed in the incomprehensible universe - forms my idea of God." – Albert Einstein 

I would add that my spiritual comfort is in an unconditional loving God. This is my guiding light.

Our desired outcome is always unity

"There is a significant difference between 
'All are welcome here' and 'This was created with you in mind.'" – Dr. Crystal Jones

In our Social Emotional Learning professional development and masters degree courses, we do not offer cookie-cutter programs. We design unique courses and programs based on the needs of school districts, buildings, or individual educators. Our work recently continues to be in Social Emotional Learning, Diversity and Equity, and Trauma Informed Care. We strive to create safe conditions for emotional, social, and mental sharing that revitalizes and nourishes our participants.

To create safe circles of trust and inclusion, we must be transparent, authentic, and vulnerable as leaders and role models. Our desired outcome is always unity.

"If we are to verify our own experience, we must honor each other's." – Mark Nepo

Easter Sunday

I have always admired the historic Jesus and loved the spiritual Jesus.  Jesus served the poor, the disenfranchised, the outcasts, the homeless, and the disabled.  Jesus spoke, taught, and lived a life of mercy, forgiveness, and love.  He stood against greed, earthly power, and injustice.  He openly lived a life of healing, communal meals, homeless wandering, equality, and connection without discrimination.  He was conscious of a personal divine relationship.  He died for all that he lived and loved.

I hope we can see the connection from Jesus' time to our times.  I hope we have the courage and love to live as Jesus did, in our time.

Share your fears to heal

"What we hold dear can heal the world." - Mark Nepo

I have learned that what we fear to share, our deepest feelings, connects us to everyone. 
When we share our feelings and especially our fears, 
we give others the permission to be vulnerable, transparent, and courageous. 
When we release our fears and witness others releasing their fears, we create a healing bond.