
We are connected

Something eternal has been born in me.

I have no choice but to nurture it until it reaches its full growth and fruition.

The eternal in me feels like humility.  all that I have experienced, I have made available to others through story, so that we all can grow and know we are not alone.

We are connected.

LifeSkills 2017

Be who you really are.  Be authentic, be of service.  Affect in a positive way the lives of those you love and the lives of all you come in contact with.  Assist in ending the suffering of others.

We are all connected.  "I am in you, you are in me, we are all in the Father."

Our basic instinct is love.

Present yourself authentically to the world.  Be true to yourself.  Share your struggles and your progress.

There is a practical way to eliminate violence.  Simply detach from the need to judge and believe in separation.

Dr. Karen Osterman reminds in her research, "The more I know about you, the less likely to ever think of harming you."

We must close the human gap.

We must become known.

Focus on unity- we are more alike than we are different.

Speak your truth with kindness and compassion.

Practice integrity.

Work for the common good.

Practice gratitude.

Practice forgiveness.

Share what you have (gifts, talents, abundance, life).

Balance personal and work life.

Love each other or at least do no harm.

Love the earth or at least do no harm.

Eat healthy.

Be your best self- stop comparison.

Focus on all your blessings.

Express love.

Pray and meditate.

Listen to the "still small voice."

Every act is an act of self definition.

"Be the change you want to see in the world." - Gandhi

This blog was inspired by the work of Neil Donald Walsch


The sun sparks
love reaches out it's hand and places it
gently upon your face.

Your fear becomes insignificant 

Heart to heart
each to the other
this is the greatest beauty in the world

Brother, sister, humanity

- Inspired by Hafiz

Be Yourself

Our life is a gift.  What we make of our life is a gift back to our source.  Where we serve others in love, we lift ourselves and all those we serve.  The ultimate gift is to be kind, forgiving and compassionate in everything we do and say to everyone including ourselves.

"When Akiba was on his deathbed, he bemoaned to his rabbi that he felt he was a failure.  
His rabbi moved closer and asked why, and Akiba confessed that he had not lived a life like Moses.  
The poor man began to cry, admitting that he feared God's judgement.  At this, his rabbi leaned into his ear and whispered gently, "God will not judge Akiba for not being Moses."  
God will judge Akiba for not being Akiba."
- From the Talmud

Our primary task in life is to be ourselves.  The universe is full of abundance and each of us are of God's unique lights.  The infinite, diversity of abundance does not ask us to compare, measure or evaluate.  Infinite love only asks that we be our authentic self.  Each of us is perfect just the way we are.